I’ve been pondering this question as I'm experiencing a very bumpy chapter in my life right now and change isn’t always a friend to me! With change usually comes pain and discomfort in readjusting to a new world; a world I perhaps have not embraced quite yet and don’t really feel very comfortable with…
This time of major upheaval in my life includes a divorce and moving my studio/living space which has truly tested my inner strength among many other things! So when I hit “the wall” dozens of times, I turned to my passion, the juice of creativity and wallowed in it, bathed in the uplifting energy that only true creativity provides.
Isn’t crafting & creativity the caulk, the filler, for this painful heartache void? Haven’t I turned to creative expression whether it be writing, art or music in every difficult time of my life; when my father died I made a mini memory book necklace honoring his life. When I lost my favorite pet many moons ago I created a garden mosaic embedding some of her favorite toys in the cement.
Divorce is sad, that’s a fact but change is simply opportunities never put in front of us before. The magic is in what we choose to do with these opportunities. Freeze up in fear and negativity or flip the switch and pour the pain into a creative endeavor filled with wonder and gratitude for the many blessing we have in our lives such as the sweet morning song of a robin, really terrific friends or the juicy kiss from a favorite pet. I invite you to join me in this springtime celebration of following your bliss and leaving all undesirable emotions, feelings, negativity and energy outside your studio doorstep. Take a deep breath and step into the creative vortex that we all crave and honor. It’s within each one of us…Dive deep!
Creatively Kristal
Upcoming Events:
International Quilt Festival Chicago
Workshops, Book Signing & Trunk ShowRosemont, IL http://www.quilts.com
Resin Buttons & Baubles Workshop-Thursday, April 16, 9am - 12pm
Fabulous Fabric Beads Workshop-Thursday, April 16, 2pm - 5pm
Embellish it!-Friday, April 17, 9am - 12pm
Wild Fiber Beads - Sampler-Saturday, April 18
Batik Beauties - Sampler-Sunday, April 19
Location: Donald E. Stephens Center, Rosemont, IL
Check out Kristal's Bling Blog on http://www.KristalWick.com
"Chocolate is my birthstone" Kristal Wick