Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I had the fortunate opportunity to take 2 classes recently from one of my favorite mentors, Sherrill Kahn (she's in the middle). If you EVER get a chance to take a class from Sherrill, it's a real treat! Check out her schedule: http://www.impressme.com/. Sherrill taught an entire week here in Colorado. Many new creative ideas from her latest book, Stitched Collage: Creative Effects on Paper and Fabric. It was a blast!Reading Sherrill’s first book many moons ago, Creating With Paint: New Ways, New Materials, was the watershed moment that gave me the confidence to touch silk with a paint brush! I immediately made loads of fabric dolls right from her book and the rest is history. No paint brush has been safe around me and a piece of fabric since! I felt such a connection and warmth from Sherrill as an artist through her books, I hoped we'd meet someday. Well, it happened and I am happy to say we are best buddies and I am grateful for every moment spent with her. She's a true Creativity Angel and I am honored to have the forward in my book, Fabulous Fabric Beads, written by Sherrill. How cool is that?

Here is a picture of Sherrill, Dianne Denholm (formerly of D'Leas) and myself. We took Sherrill on a field trip to see the 1st annual member showcase sale going on at the TacTile Arts Center in Denver until Aug. 16. (http://www.tactilearts.org/). If you’re in the area be sure to check out the Center. It’s inspirational and filled with all kinds of professionally hand crafted art!I will forever love taking classes from really cool artisans who inspire me. Isn't that one of the greatest joys in life? No matter how busy we think we are, it's important to stretch the walls of our "box" and learn something new, feel inspired and meet other kindred souls from time to time. Thanks to Sherrill and those lovely kindred souls in her class!