Thursday, October 16, 2008


My latest guilty pleasure is the funniest show airing, Whatever Martha on Fine Living television. Alexis Stewart and Jennifer Koppelman Hutt watch and comment on vintage Martha episodes. It's hilarious! Perhaps it reminds me of my own relationship with my mother and Alexis actually says the very nasty thoughts I've had but would never say out loud! I love it!

My other guilty pleasure is The Rachael Zoe Project on Bravo. The show is in sharp contrast to the global crisis of these days which is why it's kind of fun to have some fluff now and then to keep the edge at bay!

Hands Down, my fav is Project Runway. The finale is tonight and I can't wait. I may even watch it and NOT multitask for a change in honor of the grand event tonight (don't we all bead, sew, knit or scrap while watching these shows or is it just ME??!!!).

What are you all watching these days?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looking forward to 2 full days of classes at TacTile! I believe the shopper is Cowboy Bob?

Beads are good, classes are good, free books are good!

Gloria Shone